Event lighting is the most essential part of event design and it has a magical power of transforming what you have into what you want to have. Well-thought out lighting can turn a shabby hotel restaurant into an elegant wedding hall or a retro inspired party venue. All you need is a proper collaboration of traditional lighting elements and high-tech event lighting technologies.
Professional Lighting
Have you ever attended a wedding reception or corporate convention and wondered how the even planner achieved the visual lighting effect? More then likely the event planners were working with lighting technicians to use professional lighting. Lighting engineers use a combination of different types of lighting to achieve the desired effect.
Moving Head Lights
Moving head lights are a elegant option to light up a space as it allows the beam of light to move exactly to the area you want to be lit. They can also be programmed to create light shows and can be synced to music.
LED Wash
LED lighting has been a game changer versus conventional incandescent lighting as the intensity of the color are much vibrant and rich. Wash lighting generally can spread a color theme on walls and staging from one color to changing colors.
GOBO Lighting
GOBO’s is the name for the lighting beams of patterns. Chances are if you seen lights with Christmas trees projecting on a wall at a holiday event this effect was created by GOBO’s. Wedding planners and corporate convention organizers are using custom GOBO’s to project the names of couples or logo’s for events.
7 more miraculous lighting ideas:
- Curtain lights
- Light balls
- Traditional candle décor
- Chandeliers
- Illuminated glass floor
- Illuminated furniture
- Bubble walls
Mercury Sound & Lighting understands the need for quality lighting when it comes to your event. We offer a comprehensive inventory of lighting equipment including conventional lighting, LED lighting, intelligent/moving lights and all of the control and accessories to go with it. We offer rental on a wide variety of lights.
To check out more information on the types of lighting we offer for rental please visit us here at our Lighting Equipment Rental page!