Now more than ever, the hotel industry has partnered with production crews to the point that it may feel like the only option is their in-house AV company. Hotels want you to think that because they usually get a commission when you choose to work with the in-house company.
Without competition, you may not get the best option in terms of price or quality. This blog post will focus on a client-centered experience for hiring an AV company to make their experience the best one possible.
1. Single Contact for EVERY Event
If you run many events in many cities throughout the year, you will end up having to repeat yourself over and over to new groups that don’t understand your vision. This approach will include different times, working styles, and hoping they understand everything. Your personal event manager will know your event flow, understand the personalities of presenters and the crew, and know where to build in flexibility. You will know who to turn to for an update and to make changes quickly.
2. Consistent Experience Across Sites
Along with your single contact comes consistency of the event produced. With different crews and vendors, things can become misaligned, and your brand may become distorted. There may be differences in equipment availability or storage options. If you offer a different experience in different locations, some people will end up feeling cheated. Working with a nationwide business like Mercury Sound & Lighting ensures a smooth, streamlined event consistent across the country.
3. Dedicated Onsite Team
Hotels are busy as there is always something demanding the focus of the various service members. In-house AV companies may be responsible for multiple events taking place at the same time. If you need to make changes or if you are a smaller event, you may not receive the availability you need. With an outside team, the focus is completely on your event.
4. Consistent Pricing
Flat rates solve problems. When you pay the same amount for individual events in a series, you will have a much easier time. As with the consistent team, you will be able to expect a consistent pricing model for your event. There may be different logistical concerns raising the price in some cities, but for the most part, what your event costs to produce in one location will be similar to the cost in another location.
Mercury Sound & Lighting is a professional equipment rental and events production company offering AV solutions in Michigan and nationwide. Give us a call today at (734) 507-1177 to chat through your event opportunities.
For more information about audio and video installations follow this link: Mercury Audio/Video Installations
To request a custom quote for you event, event space, corporation, or house of worship please follow this link: Request a Quote